COVID-19 Regulatory Updates

Indonesia bans incoming overseas traveler until January 28, 2021


(UPDATED) In response to the discovery of a new strain of the Coronavirus in the United Kingdom, the Indonesian government has moved to ban foreign visitors from entering Indonesia starting from January 1, 2021, to January 28, 2021.

(UPDATE) On January 11, 2021, Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs Mr. Airlangga Hartarto announced that President Joko Widodo has agreed to extend the travel ban for foreign visitors into Indonesia for another two weeks until January 28, 2021. No regulations have been issued yet in regards to the extension, though those are expected to be announced in the near future. We have updated this article accordingly and will report on any further developments.

Indonesia has decided to ban foreigners from entering Indonesia for the first four weeks of 2021 following the recent discovery of a more infectious variant of the Coronavirus in South Wales, UK. The policy aims to prevent any further spread of the virus in Indonesia which has, as of January 11, 2021, led to 836,718 infections and 24,343 deaths across the archipelago.

The ban is stipulated in the Indonesia COVID-19 Task Force Circular No. 4/2020 on Health Protocols for Travelers during the COVID-19 Pandemic in conjunction with the addendum to Indonesia COVID-19 Task Force Circular No. 3/2020 on the health protocol for travelers during the Christmas and New Year 2021 holiday season during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Circular No. 4/2020 stipulates these following provisions on international travelers: 

  1. The closing of Indonesian borders to all foreigners from all countries into Indonesia until January 14, 2021. 
  2. The exemption of the above stipulation to holders of diplomatic passports and those on foreign government service visa in relation to official visit of Ministerial level government officials under tight health protocols. 
  3. The exemption of provision 1 towards holders of KITAS (limited residency permit) and KITAP (permanent residency permit) holders. 
  4. That all entry of foreigners is still subject to the requirement of showing a negative RT-PCR test result that is valid for 2x24 hours from the hour of departure to be inspected on arrival. 
  5. That an RT-PCR re-test is required, with 5-day self-paid quarantine in a government certified COVID-19 quarantine accommodation required for foreigners who have received the proper certification from Indonesian health inspectors. 
  6. That foreigners with a positive result on the RT-PCR re-test administered in Indonesia must accept hospitalization upon arrival with all expenses incurred by the traveler. 
  7. That foreigners may resume their travel once they have obtained a negative RT-PCR re-test result following the 5-day quarantine period. 
  8. That foreigners with a positive RT-PCR re-test result following the 5-day quarantine period are subject to provision no. 6 as stated above. 

The provisions above are effective until January 14, 2021. 

In regards to the addendum to Circular No. 3/2020, the provisions are as stated below: 

  1. Foreigners from the UK are banned from entry into Indonesia. 
  2. Foreigners and Indonesian citizens traveling from Europe and Australia in a direct or indirect flight must be able to show a negative RT-PCR test from their original point of departure that is valid for 2x24 hours from the hour of departure to be inspected upon arrival. 
  3. An RT-PCR re-test is required for both foreigners and Indonesian citizens upon arrival. 
  4. A positive result of the RT-PCR re-test stipulated in provision 3 will be followed by the mandatory hospitalization of the traveler concerned, with treatment expenses to be covered by the Indonesian government for Indonesian citizens while foreigners are required to cover the treatment under their personal expense. 
  5. Upon the verification of the negative RT-PCR test result stipulated in provision 2 and 3 as stated above, a 5-day quarantine is required from the date of arrival in a special quarantine accommodation provided by the government for Indonesian citizens. Foreigners are required to quarantine for 5-days in government certified quarantine accommodation under personal expense. 
  6. Representatives of foreign governments and their family members are allowed to the 5-day quarantine in their local residencies. 
  7. Other foreign diplomats must conduct their 5-day quarantine in a government certified quarantine accommodation stipulated in provision 3 as stated above. 
  8. An RT-PCR re-test is required from foreigners, under personal expense, and Indonesian citizens, under government expense, who have gone through their 5-day quarantine period, upon which the traveler may resume their travels should the test returned with negative results. 

The provisions above are effective until January 8, 2021.