COVID-19 Regulatory Updates

Issuance of Molhr Regulation No. 26 Of 2020 Regarding Visa and Stay Permit During The New Normal Adaptation


Indonesia opens its border to foreigners to embrace new normal adaptation by issuing the Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation number 26 of 2020 on Visa and Stay Permit During the New Normal Adaptation.

On 1st of October 2020, the Minister of Law and Human Rights has issued the MOLHR Regulation No. 26 of 2020 regarding Visa and Stay Permit During the New Normal Adaptation ("MOLHR Reg 26/2020"). This new regulation opens the Indonesian border for foreigners by also introducing the types of Visa and Stay Permit held by foreigners who are allowed to enter Indonesia, types of Visitor Visa and Temporary Stay Visa that are granted by the Immigration, extension of Stay Permit for foreigners staying in Indonesia as well as the introduction of e-Visa. 

With MOLHR Reg 26/2020, the Government of Indonesia requires foreigners holding a valid visa and/or stay permit to enter Indonesia to comply with the health protocols. In principle, the Government of Indonesia has opened up for all types of visas and stay permit, with exception of the Visa on Arrival (Visa Kunjungan Saat Kedatangan/”VoA”) and the Free Visa (Bebas Visa Kunjungan/”BVK”) as well as the Multiple Entry Visa which are not yet available for application.  


The MOLHR Reg 26/2020 stipulates that only applications for a single-entry visa are allowed. Following are the permitted activities under a single-entry Visit Visa:  

  • an emergency and essential work;   

  • a business meeting;  

  • purchase of goods;   

  • a probationary period for foreign workers;   

  • a medical, food, and humanitarian aid worker; and   

  • a crew member who joins the vessel in Indonesia.  



MOLHR Reg 26/2020 also accommodates Limited Stay Visa (Visa Tinggal Terbatas/"VITAS") which can be applied for the following work and non-work activities.  

  • Work activities:  

  • as a professional or expert;  

  • who joins to work on ships, on vessels, or installations operating in the Indonesian maritime zone, territorial sea, continental shelf, and Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone;   

  • whose job is quality control of goods or products;   

  • who conducts workplace inspections and audit;   

  • whose work with an aftersales service;   

  • who installs and repairs machinery;

  • with a non-permanent work in construction ;   

  • with a probationary period for skilled work.  

  • Non-work activities:  

  • foreign investment;   

  • a family reunion;   

  • retirement travel.  


Application Requirements 

The Regulation further stipulates that in order for the Foreigner to obtain approval for a Visit Visa and VITAS (visa telex), the sponsor of the foreigner in Indonesia shall submit an application through the online system, attaching the following documents:  

  • health certificate in English declaring being free from COVID-19 by a competent authority at their home country;  

  • declaration letter in English consenting to a mandatory self-isolation or undertaking of a medical treatment at an accommodation or a designated health facility by the Indonesian government at the traveler’s own expenses, if a PCR check upon arrival by the health authority at ports of entry results in a positive result of COVID-19 or with symptoms in accordance with the health protocol and provisions of law and regulations

  • consent letter to be monitored during the quarantine or self-isolation in accordance with the health protocol and provisions of law and regulations.  

  • health insurance or travel insurance covering medical expenses, and/or a declaration letter of medical treatment at own expenses, if contracted with COVID-19 during their stay in Indonesia.  

The sponsor is also required to provide evidence showing ownership of at least US$10,000 to cover the foreigner's living costs in Indonesia. This requirement is only waived for medical and food-related workers, as well as transportation crew members. 



Foreigners currently in Indonesia holding expired stay permits originating from a VOA, single-entry or multiple-entry Visit Visa, as well as an APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC), may apply for an extension at their local Immigration Office. The maximum stay permit extension is 30 days. MOLHR Reg 26/2020 also permits the conversion of a Visit Stay Permit to a Limited Stay Permit (Izin Tinggal Terbatas/"ITAS"). 

ITAS and Permanent Stay Permit (Izin Tinggal Tetap/"ITAP") holders now in Indonesia with expired stay permits can be granted extensions based on the previous stay permit. 

Foreigners who hold an ITAS or ITAP that can no longer be extended can be granted a new stay permit after first obtaining a visa telex. This also applies to foreigners currently residing in Indonesia and holding any type of stay permit. 

Still, foreigners holding an ITAS, ITAP or Re-entry Permit (/Izin Masuk Kembali "IMK") and dependent of an ITAP holder, have to apply for a new visa to enter Indonesia, if they are currently outside of Indonesia and their stay permit has already expired.  



The visa telex options for foreigners who currently reside in Indonesia are visit visa telex or VITAS telex. 

In order to obtain a visa telex, the guarantor must submit an application online and pay for the visa telex and visa fee. The visa telex will serve as an e-Visa. 

The visit visa telex will automatically serve as a Visit Stay Permit, while the VITAS telex will become an ITAS when the foreigner has processed it at the relevant local Immigration Office.  



Foreigners who are currently outside Indonesia and whose visa telex or visa has expired, are required to apply for a new visa before entering Indonesia.