COVID-19 Regulatory Updates

New Normal Provisions for Office and Industrial Workplaces


Businesses must comply with these provisions in order to continue operating during PSBB and the new normal period.

In an effort to maintain national economic stability amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and to prepare mitigation measures for office and industrial workplaces in connection with the “New Normal”, the Indonesian government, through the Ministry of Health, issued Decree of the Minister of Health Number HK.01.07/MENKES/328/2020 on Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 within Office and Industrial Workplaces in Order to Support Business Continuity During the Pandemic Emergency (“Decree 328/2020”), which came into force on May 20, 2020.

Decree 328/2020 addresses the following matters:

Measures within Office and Industrial Workplaces during the PSBB Period:

During the PSBB period, workplaces are required to implement the following measures: 

  • Establish a COVID-19 response team to monitor the development of the COVID-19 pandemic; 
  • Establish rules for working-from-home.  

Meanwhile, office/industrial workplaces should also implement the following measures:  

  • Implement body temperature checks through the use of thermometer guns;  
  • Schedule fewer overtime hours;  
  • Enforce the wearing of mandatory protective equipment;  
  • Cancel any night shifts, if possible; and  
  • Ensure a safe and healthy workplace.

Measures within Office and Industrial Workplaces during the Post-PSBB Period 

During the post-PSBB period, workplaces are also required to implement the following measures: 

  • Update any COVID-19 information;  
  • Enforce the mandatory wearing of masks;  
  • Enforce prohibition of entry (or quarantine for workers) for any persons who exhibit COVID-19 symptoms; 
  • Provide areas for the screening of persons with COVID-19 symptoms or isolation/quarantine areas, if required;  
  • Implement workplace hygiene and sanitation measures;  
  • Implement self-assessments of COVID-19 risks one day prior to the resumption of work;  
  • Measure body temperatures prior to entry into workplaces;  
  • Implement physical distancing;  
  • Provide special transportation for workers, if possible; and  
  • Ensure that health officers proactively supervise the health of workers. 

The COVID-19 Transmission Countermeasures within Office and Industrial Workplaces 

The COVID-19 transmission countermeasures that must be implemented by workplaces in the event that any employees are categorized as Asymptomatic Persons (Orang Tanpa Gejala – “OTG”), Persons under Surveillance (Orang Dalam Pemantauan – “ODP”), Patients under Supervision (Pasien Dalam Pengawasan – “PDP”) or confirmed COVID-19 cases, are as follows: 

  • Reporting and coordinating with local public health centers of health agencies in order to test any persons who are categorized as OTG and ODP; 
  • Referral of workers designated with a PDP status to a referral hospital (the official hospital list is available at:; 
  • Implementation of epidemiology inspections among all employees of PDP status or with confirmed COVID-19 infections; 
  • Workplaces should identify any interaction/contact which is made by employees designated with an ODP, PDP or confirmed COVID-19 status within the workplace environment; 
  • Categorization of any employees, who have had any interaction/contact with ODP, PDP or confirmed COVID-19 employees, into two groups, based on the distance and intensity of their interaction/contact; 
  • Implementation of rapid testing and self-quarantining for employees who have had any interaction/contact with ODP, PDP or confirmed COVID-19 employees; 
  • Initiation of cleaning and disinfection regimes throughout workrooms/areas which have been contaminated by ODP, PDP or confirmed COVID-19 employees (disinfection guidelines are available at