COVID-19 Regulatory Updates

Indonesia reinstates indefinite border closure


The Indonesian government has decided to reinstate its temporary ban for all foreign visitors coming or transiting with due notice to Permenkumham No. 26/2020, which allows entry for business travelers under certain conditions.

The foreign visitors ban is based on the Indonesian COVID-19 Task Force Circular No. 8/2021 on the health protocols for international travel during the COVID-19 pandemic takes effect starting February 9, 2021. It applies towards all non-Indonesian citizens except for diplomats and expatriates. 

However, business travelers may be allowed entry as stipulated by Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation No. 26/2020 (or Permenkumham No. 26/2020) on visas and residency permits during the new normal adaptation period, which was put into force on September 26, 2020. The regulation, according to information obtained by EKONID from the Directorate General of Immigrations of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, stipulates the following exemptions from the entry ban on foreign visitors: 

  1. Holders of a valid KITAS and KITAP (respectively Temporary Residency Permit and Permanent Resident Permit). 
  2. Foreigners with eVisa 
  3. Aid workers in the field of medicine, foodstuff and humanities. 
  4. Transport crew 
  5. Foreigners working for vital and strategic projects, nationally vital objects and nationally strategic projects. 

Foreigners may refer to Circular No. IMI-GR.0101-0210 dated January 26, 2021 on the Affirmation and Extension of Director General of Immigration Circular No. IMI-0103.GR.01.01 Year 2021 for further information.

Other foreign nationalities exempt from this ban are those who are eligible within the Travel Corridor Arrangement (TCA) made between Indonesia and its partnering countries (Indonesia has thus far made TCA with the United Arab Emirates, China, South Korea and Singapore), or foreign nationalities who have received expressed written permits from the sponsoring ministry/institution.

As stipulated by the Circular from the COVID-19 Task Force, all overseas arrivals must have negative RT-PCR test results that is valid from: 

  • 3x24 hours before the time of departure 
  • 1x24 hours after arriving in Indonesia 
  • 5x24 hours after arriving and having undergone the mandatory 5-day isolation period required by the government of Indonesia. 

It should be noted that only ambassadors of foreign nations to Indonesia are allowed to perform independent isolation in his or her place of residency. Other foreign nationals that are exempt from the ban as stipulated in the circular must perform the mandatory isolation in a hotel and are required to submit their second and third RT-PCR test results to the Ministry at the earliest opportunity for the Ministry to relay to the National COVID-19 Task Force as well as the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport Health Authority.

Further details regarding the mandatory isolation period as well any further requirements from the government of Indonesia regarding the entry into Indonesia may be found in the full copy of the circular here