COVID-19 Regulatory Updates

Jakarta declares PSBB status, to be enforced starting April 10


Having received the go-ahead from the Health Minister, the Jakarta city administration has moved to declare a citywide status of PSBB (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar or Large Scale Social Restriction) to be enforced starting from April 10.

Late on April 7, 2020, in a press conference, Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has declared a citywide status of PSBB (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar or Large Scale Social Restriction). The declaration followed the approval from Health Minister Terawan Putranto on the city’s administration request for the status, as stipulated in Health Minister Decree HK.01.07/MENKES/239/2020 issued on April 7. 

The declaration followed weeks of anticipation from the Jakarta city administration as well as Jakarta residents who are living in what is by far the worst hit city in all of Indonesia. Out of the nearly 3,000 reported cases of COVID-19 infection in the country, half of them are found in Jakarta.  

Further complicating matter is the intertwining nature of the city, which has always shared its demographic with the neighboring cities of Bogor, Tangerang, Depok and Bekasi (altogether of which has been given the moniker Jabodetabek). The total population of this massive urban conglomeration is estimated to be over 30 million people - more than the population of the whole of Australia - living in an area just half the size of the London Metropolitan region.

While no official guidelines have been released by the city administration, Governor Baswedan stressed that many of the restrictions, to be enforced by the time the PSBB goes official, has been taken. These include the urging to stop all public gatherings, including work, school as well as social and religious activities - with exceptions. The PSBB status thus further allows the city administration to take actions against those violating the stipulated restrictions, including by imposing fines or even jail time.

He said the main points of the guidelines to be issued by the city administration will stipulate: 

  • That the PSBB status will be enforced starting April 10 until April 24, with possible extensions if deemed necessary. 
  • That gatherings of more than 5 (five) people are forbidden. 
  • That residents can expect the already implemented social distancing and physical distancing measures, such as the ban on public social and religious activities, to continue. 

On the subject of public and private transportation, Mr. Baswedan provided these remarks: 

  • That all public transportations will only operate from 6am to 6pm. 
  • That public transports may only carry half of each of its designated capacity. 
  • That the number of public transports operating daily will be reduced. 
  • That private vehicles are still allowed in the city so long as the number of passengers adhere by social and physical distancing practices 
  • That the decision on banning online motorcycle taxis from carrying passengers is yet to be taken. 

On the subject of workplaces, Mr. Baswedan said all work activities are to cease with the exception of these 8 sectors: 

  • Health (hospitals, clinics) 
  • Staple goods 
  • Energy (water, gas, electricity, fuel stations) 
  • Communication (communication services and communication media) 
  • Finance and banking, including the stock market 
  • Logistics / distributor of goods 
  • Retail 
  • Strategic industries located in the capital 

Finally, Mr. Baswedan further announced that the city administration will be assisting the central government in delivering social aid to the city’s poor and most vulnerable starting April 9, Thursday, adding that the official regulation and guidelines of the implementation of the city’s PSBB will be released as soon as possible.