Energy generation from municipal and agricultural residues


20-24 September 2021




Online seminar and individual online B2B meetings


German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) & eclareon GmbH


WTE and RE project developers, municipal governments, owners and operators of municipal landfills, operators of agricultural businesses in remote locations, electricity producers, financing institutions


Residual materials from the agricultural industry are increasingly being used to generate electricity. For the most part, these are power plants with up to 10 MW capacity, operated off-grid by agricultural companies or specialized project developers. With an installed capacity of just over 2 GW, the potential of 33 GW is far from being exhausted.

Waste-to-energy is gaining momentum. Indonesian cities generate a large amount of organic waste, averaging about 60 percent of the total. The Indonesian government is striving to develop waste-to-energy more strongly in the country. It plans to install a total of at least 12 plants with a total capacity of 234 MW by 2022. 

This event series is part of the “Energy Solutions Made in Germany” initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and will be organized in partnership with the eclareon GmbH from Germany.


German company profiles

Will be provided later on


Will be provided later on


Click here to register for the online seminar and B2B meetings
