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Professional Recognition Advice to Germany

Our advisory services focus on getting the qualification recognition (Anerkennung) for Indonesian skilled workers with the aim of obtaining employment in Germany.

A diverse group of young professionals sitting outdoors, smiling and discussing ideas while working on a laptop in a casual setting.

Germany seeks skilled workers from abroad

Currently, Germany faces a shortage of skilled workers. The number of unfilled vacancies has been rising for years. In 2023, more than 700,000 job positions could not be filled. To tackle this issue, the German government aims to employ 400,000 skilled workers from abroad every year. The recently issued Skilled Immigration Act has greatly simplified regulated immigration. Employment opportunities include both the industry and service sectors.  


In general, all areas of the German economy are affected by the shortage of skilled workers. Some of the most important occupational fields are: 

  • Automotive sector 
  • Healthcare (geriatric and nursing care) 
  • Craftmanship (including construction, electrical installation, food production)  
  • Hotel and catering industry  
  • Information technology (IT)  
  • Logistics (i.e. warehousing, transportation) 
  • Mechanical and plant engineering  
  • Programming and software development  
  • Social work and childcare 

Advisory services for qualifications recognition

ProRecognition is a project for recognition counselling abroad. The counselling service is aimed at people with state-recognized academic or vocational qualifications who are interested in taking up employment in Germany. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and coordinated by DIHK Service GmbH. ProRecognition was launched in 2015 and has been implemented in cooperation with AHK Indonesia since 2024.  


The primary objective of the project is to facilitate the recognition of foreign qualifications for employment in Germany. Once recognized, the foreign qualification is considered equal to the German equivalent. Recognition is mandatory for regulated professions. For non-regulated professions, it is generally possible to take up employment without prior recognition. However, recognition of the foreign qualification is recommended. Equivalence with the German qualification enables potential employers to compare foreign qualifications and categorize them in terms of quality. This facilitates the foreign skilled worker's ability to take up employment in Germany. Furthermore, prior recognition of qualifications can also be a prerequisite for obtaining a visa for Germany for non-regulated professions. 


Our objective is to assist you in achieving a successful start in Germany. To this end, ProRecognition provides support to skilled workers with language acquisition, migration preparation, visa applications and job searches. 

Reasons to apply for recognition

  • Recognition eases the employment, both in regulated and non-regulated professions  
  • Certifies the equivalence of foreign qualifications with the German qualification  
  • Simplifies the qualitative assessment for the employer  
  • Better career opportunities in Germany  
  • Possibility to participate in further training measures based on the qualification  
  • Faster access to a permanent residence permit and thus simplified family reunification

ProRecognition in numbers

  • 9 Countries

    Where ProRecognition is implemented

  • 31,000+ foreign skilled workers

    are interested in working in Germany have received support and advisory on recognition

  • ca. 8,700 person

    have applied for recognition

  • ca. 6,600 applicants

    have received a positive recognition notice

  • c.a. 2,000 foreign skilled workers

    have taken up the opportunity to work in Germany

Our Support:

  1. Our support begins the moment you contact us by e-mail or registration form. 
  2. Our advisory support is free of charge, either online or on site. At this stage, we will guide you through the process of having your qualifications recognized and assess your career prospects in Germany, based on the relevant immigration laws. 
  3. We will guide you through all the necessary steps to have your academic or professional qualifications recognized.
  4. After successful completion of the recognition process, we will support you in your search for interesting job opportunities in Germany. The previously obtained recognition allows you to prove the equivalence of your qualifications.
  5. After finding a job, we will assist you with the necessary preparations for your departure to Germany (e.g. visa).
  6. We are also available to answer any questions you may have after you have successfully entered and started working in Germany.


Please note that we are a counseling center and neither a recruitment nor visa agency. We support the candidates with information needed throughout the process. However, the results are beyond our responsibility. 

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Training in Indonesia

Workforce training in Indonesia is evolving to meet growing demands for skilled labor in a rapidly digitizing economy. In this regard, EKONID has launched several initiatives that focuses on upskilling through vocational programs, partnerships with industries and institutions, and customized trainings.

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Education in Indonesia

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Waste Management & Recycling

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