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Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board is responsible for overseeing the activities of AHK Indonesia and to provide assistance in ensuring that the organization meets its tasks and goals.


  • Prijono

    Prijono Sugiarto

    Chairman of Supervisory Board of PT Astra International Tbk

Vice Chairman

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    Rainer Ruppel

    Managing Director of PT B. Braun Medical Indonesia and PT B. Braun Pharmaceutical Indonesia


  • Image of Prof. Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro, S.E., M.U.P., Ph.D

    Prof. Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro, S.E., M.U.P., Ph.D

    President Commissioner PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom) Tbk.

  • Dr. Christofer Arisandy.jpg

    Dr. Christofer Arisandy

    President Director of PT BASF Indonesia

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    Alexander Grenz

    Country Manager and President Director of Allianz Life Indonesia-German

  • Image of Surya Fitri

    Surya Fitri

    President Director and CEO of PT Siemens Indonesia